Find growth opportunities

A Growth Audit gives you a customized roadmap to adapt and grow.

If you’re exploring new directions, there’s a proven process you can follow and it starts with a clear picture of where you are now. A Growth Audit will provide an objective, holistic picture of your organization’s moving parts and how to address them in your planning process. A Growth Audit will lay out the steps to develop strategic opportunities that create new value for your customers and your business. With a time commitment of only two meetings, it's the most efficient way to get your arms around how to lead strategic innovation for your business. If you need to diversify revenue, serve new customer segments, launch or enhance services, differentiate an offering, or enhance your customer experience, a Growth Audit will lay out a plan for doing this. Learn more about using a Growth Audit to save time and money in strategic innovation.

Resources for Your Strategic Growth



If you want to grow, you need to know where you could create more value for customers. You need to know what audiences to pay attention to and what they really think. Using interviews, surveys, focus groups, or analysis of existing customer data, Align will make sense of the noise and uncover actionable customer insights that articulate problems worth solving, pain points, market gaps, or new audiences to serve. You may even uncover blindspots that are holding you back.


Good ideas could drop out of thin air, but who has time to wait for an ah-ha moment, when so much is on the line? Instead, you could assemble the right team and create the right conditions where good ideas flourish. Align’s Spark Session engages your team in a creative forum to generate and prioritize ideas originating from customer research and relevant creative inspirations. The right approach can re-energize and focus innovation efforts to create something new, promising, and profitable.



Given the pace of change, it’s hard to know if your team is making progress on the right strategic priorities to achieve your goals. You may need new ways to differentiate your offerings and increase value for customers. Today, strategic growth requires innovation. And, effective innovation requires a solid process that combines customer insights with creative ideas and tangible steps to turn ideas into income. Align’s Strategy Scorecard makes strategic planning more productive by targeting the right issues and providing a clear direction.